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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The body Chakras

Today i'm going to add a very important and spiritual post to my blog which is a brief study about the seven chakras that all of us have.Knowing your Chakras is the only way to enlighten ourselves and thus have a clear picture of who we are.a deep meditation is what takes us closer to them.Lets have a look at what are these Seven Chakras all about...

1st Chakra "MULADHAR" meaning-root of our support.
Commonly known as the base centre.
Location:perineum,base of spine
Governs:Kidney,adrenals,pelvis,hips,knees,lower back,sciatic nerve,bowel movement.
Traditional Development age:0-7 years
2nd Chakra "SWADHISTHANA" meaning-your own dwelling place.
Commonly known as the sexual centre.
Location:between the genitals and naval.
Governs:The genitals,reproductive organs,bladder and prostrate.
Traditional development age:7-14 years
3rd Chakkra "MANIPURA" meaning-dwelling place of jewels.
Commonly known as the power centre.
Location:at the solar plexus.
Governs:The spleen,liver,gall bladder,stomach and pancreas.
Traditional development age:14-21 years.
4th Chakra "ANAHATA" meaning that which is ever new.
Commonly known as the heart centre
Location:at the centre of the chest
Color:Emerald Green
Governs:The physical heart,lungs and thymus
Traditional development age:21-28 years.
5th Chakra "VISHUDDHA" meaning purest of the pure.
Commonly known as the throat centre.
Location:at the throat.
Color:Sky Blue
Governs:The vocal chords,thyroid and voice.
Traditional development age:28-35 years.
6th Chakra "AJNA" meaning command.
Commonly known as the third eye.
Location:on the forehead between the eyebrows
Governs:The Pituitary Gland.
Traditional development age:35-42 years.
7th Chakra "SAHASRARA" meaning thousand petalled lotus.
Commonly known as the crown centre.
Location:at the crown of the head.
Color:Violet,Gold or White
Governs:The Pineal Gland.
Traditional development age:42-49 years.

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